

/* This file is part of Ezra Bible App.

   Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 Ezra Bible App Development Team <>

   Ezra Bible App is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   Ezra Bible App is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with Ezra Bible App. See the file LICENSE.
   If not, see <>. */

const docx = require('docx');
const { marked } = require('marked');
const docxHelper = require('./docx_helper.js');
const i18nHelper = require('../../helpers/i18n_helper.js');
const { parseHTML } = require('../../helpers/ezra_helper.js');

 * The docxController implements the generation of a Word document with certain verses with notes or tags.
 * docxController.generateDocument gets called from exportController.
 * Paragraph and heading styles for the generated Word document as well as some other helpful functions located in docxHelper.
 * @category Controller

module.exports.generateDocument = async function(title, verses, bibleBooks=undefined, notes={}) {

  var children = [];

  if (bibleBooks && Array.isArray(bibleBooks)) {
    children.push(...docxHelper.markdownToDocx(`# ${title}`));

    for (const currentBook of bibleBooks) {

      const bookTitle = await i18nHelper.getSwordTranslation(currentBook.longTitle);

      const allBlocks = getBibleBookVerseBlocks(currentBook, verses);
      const blockParagraphs = await renderVerseBlocks(allBlocks, currentBook, notes);

      if (blockParagraphs.length > 0) {
          new docx.Paragraph({
            text: bookTitle,
            heading: docx.HeadingLevel.HEADING_2,

  } else {

    const titleP = new docx.Paragraph({
      text: title,
      heading: docx.HeadingLevel.TITLE

    const allBlocks = getBookBlockByChapter(verses);
    const chapterParagraphs = await renderVerseBlocks(allBlocks, undefined, notes);
    children.push(titleP, ...chapterParagraphs);


  const footers = await docxHelper.addBibleTranslationInfo();

  const titleFragment = parseHTML(marked.parse(title));

  var doc = new docx.Document({
    title: titleFragment.textContent,
    creator: 'Ezra Bible App',
    description: 'Automatically generated by Ezra Bible App',
    styles: docxHelper.getDocStyles(),
    numbering: docxHelper.getNumberingConfig(),
    sections: [{
      properties: docxHelper.getPageProps(),

  if (typeof jest !== 'undefined') { // For test environment return all doc details as array without timestamps
    return [children, footers, docxHelper.getDocStyles(), docxHelper.getNumberingConfig()];

  return docx.Packer.toBuffer(doc);

function getBibleBookVerseBlocks(bibleBook, verses) {
  var lastVerseNr = 0;
  var allBlocks = [];
  var currentBlock = [];

  // Transform the list of verses into a list of verse blocks (verses that belong together)
  for (let j = 0; j < verses.length; j++) {
    const currentVerse = verses[j];

    if (currentVerse.bibleBookShortTitle == bibleBook.shortTitle) {

      if (currentVerse.absoluteVerseNr > (lastVerseNr + 1)) {
        if (currentBlock.length > 0) {
        currentBlock = [];

      lastVerseNr = currentVerse.absoluteVerseNr;


  return allBlocks;

function getBookBlockByChapter(verses) {
  var prevVerseChapter;
  var allBlocks = [];
  var currentBlock = [];

  for (const currentVerse of verses) {

    if (currentVerse.chapter != prevVerseChapter) {
      prevVerseChapter = currentVerse.chapter;
      if (currentBlock.length > 0) {
        currentBlock = [];



  return allBlocks;

async function renderVerseBlocks(verseBlocks, bibleBook=undefined, notes={}) {
  const bibleTranslationId = app_controller.tab_controller.getTab().getBibleTranslationId();
  const separator = await i18nHelper.getReferenceSeparator(bibleTranslationId);
  const chapterText = i18nHelper.getChapterText(undefined, bibleBook || verseBlocks[0][0].bibleBookShortTitle);

  var paragraphs = [];

  for (let j = 0; j < verseBlocks.length; j++) {
    const currentBlock = verseBlocks[j];

    if (bibleBook) { // render as tags
      paragraphs.push(...(await renderTagVerseLayout(currentBlock, bibleBook, separator)));
    } else { // render as notes
      const isFirstChapter = j === 0;
      const isMultipleChapters = verseBlocks.length > 1;
      paragraphs.push(...renderNotesVerseLayout(currentBlock, notes, isFirstChapter, isMultipleChapters, chapterText));

  return paragraphs;

async function renderTagVerseLayout(verses, bibleBook, separator=":") {
  if (verses.length == 0) {
    return [];

  const firstVerse = verses[0];
  const lastVerse = verses[verses.length - 1];

  // Output the verse reference of this block
  const bookTitle = await i18nHelper.getSwordTranslation(bibleBook.longTitle);
  const firstRef = `${firstVerse.chapter}${separator}${firstVerse.verseNr}`;

  let secondRef = "";
  if (verses.length >= 2) { // At least 2 verses, a bigger block
    if (lastVerse.chapter == firstVerse.chapter) {
      secondRef = "-" + lastVerse.verseNr;
    } else {
      secondRef = " - " + lastVerse.chapter + separator + lastVerse.verseNr;

  var paragraphs = [new docx.Paragraph({
    text: `${bookTitle} ${firstRef}${secondRef}`,
    heading: docx.HeadingLevel.HEADING_3,
    spacing: {before: 200},

  const verseParagraphs =;

  return paragraphs;

function renderNotesVerseLayout(currentBlock, notes, isFirstChapter, isMultipleChapters, chapterText) {
  const firstVerse = currentBlock[0];

  var paragraphs = [];

  if (isFirstChapter) {
    const bookReferenceId = firstVerse.bibleBookShortTitle.toLowerCase();
    if (notes[bookReferenceId]) {
      paragraphs.push(...docxHelper.markdownToDocx(notes[bookReferenceId].text, 'notes'));
      paragraphs.push(new docx.Paragraph(""));

  if (isMultipleChapters) { // Output chapter reference
    paragraphs.push(new docx.Paragraph({
      text: `${chapterText} ${firstVerse.chapter}`,
      heading: docx.HeadingLevel.HEADING_3,

  const table = new docx.Table({
    rows: => {
      const referenceId = `${verse.bibleBookShortTitle.toLowerCase()}-${verse.absoluteVerseNr}`;

      return new docx.TableRow({
        children: [
          new docx.TableCell({
            children: [renderVerse(verse)],
            width: {
              type: docx.WidthType.DXA,
              size: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(95)
            borders: {
              top: {color: '555555'},
              left: {color: '555555'},
              bottom: {color: '555555'},
              right: {color: '555555'},
          new docx.TableCell({
            children: notes[referenceId] ? docxHelper.markdownToDocx(notes[referenceId].text, 'notes') : [],
            width: {
              type: docx.WidthType.DXA,
              size: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(95)
            borders: {
              top: {color: '555555'},
              left: {color: '555555'},
              bottom: {color: '555555'},
              right: {color: '555555'},
        cantSplit: true
    margins: {
      marginUnitType: docx.WidthType.DXA,
      top: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(2),
      bottom: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(2),
      left: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(2),
      right: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(2),
    width: {
      type: docx.WidthType.DXA,
      size: docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(190)
    columnWidths: [docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(95), docx.convertMillimetersToTwip(95)],



  return paragraphs;

function renderVerse(verse) {

  let currentVerseContent = "";
  let fixedContent = verse.content.replace(/<([a-z]+)(\s?[^>]*?)\/>/g, '<$1$2></$1>'); // replace self closing tags FIXME: Should it be in the NSI?
  fixedContent = fixedContent.replace(/&nbsp;/g, ' ');
  const currentVerseNodes = Array.from(parseHTML(fixedContent).childNodes);

  currentVerseContent = currentVerseNodes.reduce((prevContent, currentNode) => {
    let textContent = currentNode.textContent;
    let validElement = true;

    // We export everything that is not a DIV (except .sword-quote-jesus)
    // DIV elements contain markup that should not be in the word document
    if (currentNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && currentNode.classList.contains('sword-quote-jesus')) {
      textContent = currentNode.innerText;
    } else if (currentNode.nodeName == 'DIV') {
      validElement = false;

    return validElement ? prevContent + textContent : prevContent;
  }, "");

  return new docx.Paragraph({
    children: [
      new docx.TextRun({text: verse.verseNr, superScript: true}),
      new docx.TextRun(" " + currentVerseContent)
