/* This file is part of Ezra Bible App.
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Ezra Bible App is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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(at your option) any later version.
Ezra Bible App is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
* This module offers sword module related functionality
* @module sword_module_helper
* @category Helper
const i18nHelper = require('./i18n_helper.js');
const PUBLIC_LICENSES = ['Public Domain', 'General public license for distribution for any purpose'];
var _moduleVersificationCache = {};
var _cachedModule;
module.exports.getSwordModule = async function(moduleId, isRemote=false) {
if (moduleId == null) {
return null;
if (!_cachedModule || _cachedModule.name !== moduleId || (_cachedModule.name === moduleId && _cachedModule.remote !== isRemote)) {
let swordModule = null;
try {
if (isRemote) {
swordModule = await ipcNsi.getRepoModule(moduleId);
} else {
swordModule = await ipcNsi.getLocalModule(moduleId);
swordModule.remote = isRemote;
_cachedModule = swordModule;
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Could not get ${isRemote ? 'remote' : 'local'} sword module for ${moduleId}`);
return _cachedModule;
module.exports.resetModuleCache = function() {
_cachedModule = null;
module.exports.getModuleDescription = async function(moduleId, isRemote=false) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId, isRemote);
if (!swordModule) {
return "No info available!";
var moduleInfo = "";
if (isRemote) {
moduleInfo += "<b>" + swordModule.description + "</b><br><br>";
moduleInfo += await this.getModuleAbout(swordModule);
moduleInfo = urlify(moduleInfo);
return moduleInfo;
module.exports.getModuleInfo = async function(moduleId, isRemote=false, includeModuleDescription=true) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId, isRemote);
if (!swordModule) {
return "No info available!";
var moduleInfo = "No info available!";
try {
moduleInfo = "";
if (includeModuleDescription) {
moduleInfo += await this.getModuleDescription(moduleId, isRemote);
var yes = i18n.t("general.yes");
var no = i18n.t("general.no");
if (includeModuleDescription) {
moduleInfo += `<p style='margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em; border-top: 1px solid grey; font-weight: bold'>${i18n.t("general.sword-module-info")}</p>`;
let lastUpdate = swordModule.lastUpdate;
if (lastUpdate != "") {
try {
lastUpdate = i18nHelper.getLocalizedDate(lastUpdate);
} catch (e) {
moduleInfo += "<table>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td style='width: 11em;'>" + i18n.t("general.module-name") + ":</td><td>" + swordModule.name + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-version") + ":</td><td>" + swordModule.version + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-last-update") + ":</td><td>" + lastUpdate + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-language") + ":</td><td>" + i18nHelper.getLanguageName(swordModule.language) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-license") + ":</td><td>" + swordModule.distributionLicense + "</td></tr>";
if (swordModule.type == 'Biblical Texts') {
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-strongs") + ":</td><td>" + (swordModule.hasStrongs ? yes : no) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-headings") + ":</td><td>" + (swordModule.hasHeadings ? yes : no) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-footnotes") + ":</td><td>" + (swordModule.hasFootnotes ? yes : no) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-xrefs") + ":</td><td>" + (swordModule.hasCrossReferences ? yes : no) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-redletter") + ":</td><td>" + (swordModule.hasRedLetterWords ? yes : no) + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-size") + ":</td><td>" + this.getModuleSize(swordModule) + "</td></tr>";
if (swordModule.repository != '') {
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("module-assistant.repository_singular") + ":</td><td>" + swordModule.repository + "</td></tr>";
if (!isRemote) {
moduleInfo += "<tr><td>" + i18n.t("general.module-location") + ":</td><td>" + swordModule.location + "</td></tr>";
moduleInfo += "</table>";
if (isRemote && swordModule.locked && swordModule.unlockInfo != "") {
moduleInfo += "<p style='margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em; border-top: 1px solid grey; font-weight: bold'>" + i18n.t("general.sword-unlock-info") + "</p>";
moduleInfo += "<p class='external'>" + swordModule.unlockInfo + "</p>";
} catch (ex) {
console.error("Got exception while trying to get module info: " + ex);
return moduleInfo;
module.exports.getModuleAbout = async function(swordModuleOrId) {
var swordModule;
if (typeof swordModuleOrId === 'string') {
swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(swordModuleOrId);
} else {
swordModule = swordModuleOrId;
if (!swordModule || !swordModule.about) {
return '';
const about = `
<p class="external">
${swordModule.about.replace(/\\pard/g, "").replace(/\\par/g, "<br>")}
return about;
module.exports.getModuleSize = function(swordModule) {
return Math.round(swordModule.size / 1024) + " KB";
module.exports.moduleHasStrongs = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.hasStrongs;
} else {
return false;
module.exports.moduleIsRTL = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.isRightToLeft;
} else {
return false;
module.exports.bookHasHeaders = async function(moduleId, book, validate=true) {
var hasHeaders = false;
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
hasHeaders = swordModule.hasHeadings;
if (hasHeaders && validate) {
const headerList = await ipcNsi.getBookHeaderList(moduleId, book);
if (headerList.length == 0) {
hasHeaders = false;
return hasHeaders;
module.exports.moduleHasApocryphalBooks = async function(moduleId) {
return await ipcNsi.moduleHasApocryphalBooks(moduleId);
module.exports.getVersification = async function(moduleId) {
if (moduleId == null) {
return null;
if (moduleId in _moduleVersificationCache) {
return _moduleVersificationCache[moduleId];
var versification = null;
var psalm3Verses = [];
var revelation12Verses = [];
try {
psalm3Verses = await ipcNsi.getChapterText(moduleId, 'Psa', 3);
} catch (e) {
console.log("TranslationController.getVersification: Could not retrieve chapter text for Psalm 3 of " + moduleId);
try {
revelation12Verses = await ipcNsi.getChapterText(moduleId, 'Rev', 12);
} catch (e) {
console.log("TranslationController.getVersification: Could not retrieve chapter text for Revelation 12 of " + moduleId);
if (psalm3Verses.length == 8 || revelation12Verses.length == 17) { // ENGLISH versification
versification = "ENGLISH";
} else if (psalm3Verses.length == 9 || revelation12Verses.length == 18) { // HEBREW versification
versification = "HEBREW";
} else { // Unknown versification
versification = "UNKNOWN";
/*console.log("Unknown versification!");
console.log("Psalm 3 has " + psalm3Verses.length + " verses.");
console.log("Revelation 12 has " + revelation12Verses.length + " verses.");*/
_moduleVersificationCache[moduleId] = versification;
return versification;
module.exports.getThreeLetterVersification = async function(moduleId) {
var versification = (await this.getVersification(moduleId) == 'ENGLISH' ? 'eng' : 'heb');
return versification;
module.exports.getModuleLanguage = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.language;
} else {
return false;
module.exports.getModuleFullName = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.description;
} else {
return moduleId;
module.exports.getModuleCopyright = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.shortCopyright || swordModule.copyright;
} else {
return false;
module.exports.getModuleLicense = async function(moduleId) {
const swordModule = await this.getSwordModule(moduleId);
if (swordModule != null) {
return swordModule.distributionLicense;
} else {
return false;
module.exports.isPublicDomain = async function(moduleId) {
const license = await this.getModuleLicense(moduleId);
return !license || PUBLIC_LICENSES.includes(license);
module.exports.getLanguages = async function(moduleType='BIBLE', localModules=undefined) {
if (localModules == undefined) {
localModules = await ipcNsi.getAllLocalModules(moduleType);
if (localModules == null) {
return [];
var languages = [];
var languageCodes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < localModules.length; i++) {
const module = localModules[i];
const languageName = i18nHelper.getLanguageName(module.language);
if (!languageCodes.includes(module.language)) {
'languageName': languageName,
'languageCode': module.language
return languages;
module.exports.isStrongsTranslationAvailable = async function() {
var allTranslations = await ipcNsi.getAllLocalModules();
if (allTranslations == null) {
return false;
for (var dbTranslation of allTranslations) {
if (dbTranslation.hasStrongs) {
return true;
return false;
module.exports.sortModules = function(a,b) {
const isMobile = platformHelper.isMobile();
let aDescription = isMobile ? a.name : a.description;
aDescription = aDescription.toLowerCase();
let bDescription = isMobile ? b.name : b.description;
bDescription = bDescription.toLowerCase();
if (aDescription < bDescription) {
return -1;
} else if (aDescription > bDescription) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function urlify(text) {
// replace urls in text with <a> html tag
var aTagRegex = /(<a href.*?>.*?<\/a>)/g;
var aSplits = text.split(aTagRegex);
// regex extracted from https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/whatever/use+regex+to+get+urls+from+string
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
var urlRegex = /(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$])/igm;
var cleanedText = "";
for (let index = 0; index < aSplits.length; index++) {
var split = aSplits[index];
if (split.substring(0, 2) === '<a') {
cleanedText += split;
} else {
cleanedText += split.replace(urlRegex, function (url) {
if (url.startsWith('www')) {
url = 'http://' + url;
return `<a href="${url}" target="_blank">${url}</a>`;
return cleanedText;