/* This file is part of Ezra Bible App.
Copyright (C) 2019 - 2023 Ezra Bible App Development Team <contact@ezrabibleapp.net>
Ezra Bible App is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Ezra Bible App is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Ezra Bible App. See the file LICENSE.
If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
* This is the entry point to Ezra Bible App. The entry function is
* `initPlatform()`. The script runs some initial platform compatibility checks.
* On Android it shows a message box if the used webview component is not supported.
* Note that the code in this script cannot make use of any modern JavaScript features,
* because on Android it needs to at least successfully run on older webview components to
* show the respective info message. Once the compatibility checks are completed this script
* then dynamically loads the module `ezra_init.js`.
* @module platform_init
* @category Startup
const CHROMIUM_VERSION_MIN = 57; // Do not support Chromium/WebView below the version that supports ES2017 and CSS grid
const CHROMIUM_VERSION_UP_TO_DATE = 83; // Version that works without extra hacks
window.initPlatform = function() {
if (isAndroidWebView()) {
const webViewVersion = getChromiumMajorVersion();
window.isAndroid = true;
window.isElectron = false;
if (webViewVersion) {
if (webViewVersion >= CHROMIUM_VERSION_MIN) {
window.isDev = false;
} else {
console.log(`Android WebView is too old (< ${CHROMIUM_VERSION_MIN}). Cannot continue!`);
window.addEventListener('load', showOutdatedWebviewMessage);
} else {
// This should never happen!!!
console.error("Could not check whether ES2017 is supported or not!");
window.addEventListener('load', showIncompatibleWebviewMessage);
} else if (isElectronRenderer()) { // Electron!
window.isElectron = true;
window.isAndroid = false;
window.isDev = false;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.process === 'object' &&
window.process.type === 'renderer') {
// We only require this module when running on Electron
const app = require('@electron/remote').app;
window.isDev = !app.isPackaged;
if (isDev) {
console.log("DEV mode!");
} else {
console.log('PRODUCTION mode!');
} else { // Everything else ... (desktop browser?)
window.isElectron = false;
window.i18n = {
t: function() {},
locale: 'en'
window.loadScript = function(script) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var js = document.createElement("script");
js.type = "text/javascript";
js.src = script;
window.getChromiumVersion = function() {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
var splittedUserAgent = userAgent.split(' ');
var chromiumVersion = null;
for (var i = 0; i < splittedUserAgent.length; i++) {
if (splittedUserAgent[i].indexOf('Chrome/') != -1) {
chromiumVersion = splittedUserAgent[i].replace('Chrome/', '');
return chromiumVersion;
// FIXME: Remove this function, since it is not used anywhere?
window.isChromiumOlder = function() {
return getChromiumMajorVersion() < CHROMIUM_VERSION_UP_TO_DATE;
* This function is used by the cucumber acceptance test to check whether app startup has been completed.
* @returns Whether or not the startup has been completed
window.isStartupCompleted = function() {
if (app_controller) {
return app_controller.isStartupCompleted();
} else {
return false;
function getChromiumMajorVersion() {
var chromiumVersion = window.getChromiumVersion();
var splittedVersion = chromiumVersion.split('.');
chromiumVersion = parseInt(splittedVersion[0]);
return chromiumVersion;
function isElectronRenderer() {
return typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.process === 'object' &&
window.process.type === 'renderer';
function isAndroidWebView() {
return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('; wv') != -1;
function getOutdatedWebViewMessage() {
var chromiumVersion = getChromiumMajorVersion();
var generalInfoBoxMessage = `
Your Android WebView component is too old (${chromiumVersion}) and does not support Ezra Bible App.<br><br>
To run Ezra Bible App you need a newer version of the <b>Android System WebView</b> component, at least version ${CHROMIUM_VERSION_MIN}.<br><br>
You can install a newer version of that app from the Play Store!`;
return generalInfoBoxMessage;
function showOutdatedWebviewMessage() {
var title = 'Android WebView not compatible!';
var message = getOutdatedWebViewMessage();
showMessage(title, message);
function showIncompatibleWebviewMessage() {
var title = "Android WebView not compatible!";
var message = "The exact Android WebView version is not available for some reason. Compatibility is unclear.<br>" +
"Try to install a newer version of the <b>Android System WebView</b> component from the Play Store.";
showMessage(title, message);
function showMessage(title, message) {
var loadingIndicator = $('#startup-loading-indicator');
var generalInfoBoxBox = $('#general-info-box');
var generalInfoBoxBoxContent = $('#general-info-box-content');
title: title,
width: 400,
autoOpen: true,
dialogClass: 'ezra-dialog dialog-without-close-button android-dialog-large-fontsize',
modal: true,
resizable: false